This is what we do

Our 2019-2020 Lookbook

At the end of the day, it’s all about two things: CLOTHES & RESULTS. We got you covered.

Our Processes

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Product development

We work alongside of our top qualified technicians who offer personalized services and integral solutions to our partners’ solicitations. Our productivity level is always stable or in constant growth.



We count with Jukon, Brute, and Siruba manual cutters which mantain our productivity level up to 100 thousand garments per month.

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We possess a vast variety of normal and double chain circular sewing machines from brands such as Juki, Maqi, Matsuya, Singer, and more. 



Our Garment Printing facility counts with Eight-Arm Screen Printing Machines, Fabric Heat Setting Machines, Transfer Printing Machines, and Heat Pressing Machines.

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We carefully package our partners’ products and have them ready to send to wherever they need.